Thursday, May 31, 2012

Concours Photo Gratuit Sunrain / Sunrain Solar Photo Award

Sunrain Solar Photo Award                    

A compter du 20 Mai jusqu'au 10 septembre 2012, vous pouvez participer au concours Sunrain Photo Award pour saisir la technologie solaire thermique sous un angle artistique. La participation est gratuite et l'envoi des photos nécessite une inscription préalable ici :

Les prix comprennent :
1er prix20,000 RMB ( environ 2,500 EUR)*
2nd prix12,000 RMB ( environ 1,500 EUR )*

3eme prix6,500 RMB ( environ 800 EUR )*
prix publics5 x 2,300 RMB ( environ 300 EUR ) *

*Taux du 31 Mai 2012,


The theme of this photo competition is Solar Thermal Energy. It is open to all photographers in any country, who want to capture images of Solar Thermal Energy from their own perspective. The challenge is to show technology with artists eyes.

The sun is the largest source of energy in our solar system. Human being use this kind of energy from the beginning of time. Using Solar Thermal Energy is a matter of course. At these days, Solar Thermal Energy becomes the most important part in the energy transistion to 100% renewables.

The idea is to show people what possibilities of using Solar Thermal Energy are there. Starting from the black garden hose over simple collectors to highly advanced and sophisticated systems like the Sunrain Evacuated Tube Collectors.

The mission is: Photograph the Solar Thermal Energy in different ways, the people around there, the  Solar Thermal (roof)landscapes and many more ... in a unique way - let your imagination fly!

Contest Start: May 20th, 2012
Closing Date:September 10th, 2012
Winner Announcement:until September 23rd, 2012
SubmissionFree of charge
Prize value50,000 RMB (ca. 8,000 USD)*
1st prize20,000 RMB (ca. 3,900 USD)*
2nd prize12,000 RMB (ca. 2,000 USD)*

3rd prize6,500 RMB (ca. 1,000 USD)*
public prizes5 x 2,300 RMB (ca. 370 USD) *

*Currency calculation based on exchange rate from 7th May 2012, payed in EURO, USD or HKD.

(to upload pictures start with registration and then login.)

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